Do not hesitage to give us a call. We are an expert team and we are happy to talk to you.
876-340 3508
Greenwood Great House was built in 1780 by Richard Barrett, cousin to the famous English writer Elizabeth Barrett Browning, as a grand home for entertaining. It survived the 1831 slave revolt, which destroyed many great houses, due to Barrett’s more humane treatment of enslaved people. Unlike many plantation owners, Barrett encouraged literacy among his workers, which helped protect the house during the rebellion.
Greenwood features typical plantation-era architecture with stone and wood construction, a cedar shingled roof, and expansive verandahs offering stunning sea views. The large rooms inside are filled with polished mahogany floors and antique furniture, showcasing the wealth of the Barrett family. The house’s external staircase leads to the second floor living quarters, while the verandah’s breezes provide natural ventilation.
Enjoy a guided tour of the most original of Jamaican’s great house and see an extensive collection of Jamaican antiques. See the largest and rarest assortment of musical instruments and plantation library books on the island.
Montego Bay (Google Map)
Your driver will be at your hotel approximately 10-15 minutes before your scheduled pickup time. It is best to wait in the hotel lobby or on the outside of the lobby by the door. Your driver/guide will have your information.
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We will pick you up at your hotel at the scheduled pickup time
We arrive at Greenwood Great House
We depart Greenwood Great House for your hotel
Your driver will drop you off at your hotel. If you enjoyed your tour with us, please write a review by clicking the review button on the tour page. It was great having you on our tour. Thank you for choosing VIP Tours Jamaica. See you soon!